Scooters, tuk tuks and massages

October 8, 2014 § Leave a comment


We are in Siem Reap now and though we have only been here a few short hours one thing has already made an impression on me and that is the scooters. I have never seen so many all at once. Watching them drive through traffic and around one another is incredible. Somehow they all weave together without crashing into anything. It is amazing. Undoubtedly, it takes a certain kind of skill (like not panicking or screaming) that I am sure I do not possess. The combination of cars, bikes and scooters would make me flip out, regardless of which I was driving. Fortunately, we do not have to drive here. More experienced, calm people will do that for us.

Our flight this morning was great. We had the fastest airport check-in of my life at the KL airport and then wandered around for a few hours until our flight. The two hours between Malaysia and Cambodia were gone in a flash and we had no troubles going through immigration at the airport. Everything was so smooth and simple, thanks to our E-Visas which meant we didn’t have to wait in the lines to get one today.

The hostel where we are staying is gorgeous. Although it is advertised as a hostel, it really feels like a nice hotel. We have our own room and bathroom, and  there is a pool and dinning area (complete with a huge breakfast menu and a complimentary breakfast, which Andy is thrilled about). It is a little way outside the central part of town, but that works for us because it is quieter out here. Town is small, but very busy. Despite Siem Reap being pretty remote (I think there are maybe two paved roads in the area) it is a very popular tourist destination. People are very friendly, but also very…pushy. Everywhere we walk people ask, “Tuk tuk?” (a tuk tuk is a motorcycle with a small carriage on the back for carrying people), “Lady, massage?”, “Sir, you buy?”, “You want?”, “Buy!”… After living in Korea this is a bit overwhelming, but I like the change of pace.

Tomorrow we will head to the temples. Our plan is to explore the temples for three days and on the forth to just chill out and perhaps visit one of the million massage shops in town. For now though, I’m off to sleep. The clock may say 10 p.m. but my body definitely thinks it is already past midnight. YAWN.

We’ll write soon!


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