
October 5, 2014 § Leave a comment

Last week passed in a whirl of words, words and words. Two of the three teachers arrived early last week which gave us the chance to show them the ropes and help our students adjust to their new instructors. Over the course of our year we learned so much and in three days we attempted to pass on as much of our knowledge as possible to the new teachers. And so, for four days straight it feels like I did nothing but talk. Every minute I seemed to be remembering something to pass on, some piece of wisdom or trick or tid bit of information that would make their take over easier on them and the students. All the time I kept hoping that we weren’t overwhelming them, but they seemed to be taking it all in stride.

When I first told our students that we were leaving, I was met with a strong “No!”. Little by little, however, they warmed to the idea and upon meeting their new teachers, they seemed more accepting of it. Nonetheless, saying goodbye was painful for us all. While I was ready to be finished teaching (at least for a while), I was and am not quite ready to say goodbye to our students. Our first few months together were rough, yes, but in the last few months I have come to love each and every one of them, and I will miss seeing their smiling faces everyday. They are so sweet and it makes me sad to know that I won’t get to see them grow up, the find out the sort of people they will become. For the new teachers, I hope that our and the students’ sadness at our leaving is an inspiration, something to look forward to. I have no doubt that they too will make the bonds and love the students the way we have.

We’ve been away from the school just three days now and it still seems odd that we aren’t going back. Since leaving the school, one of my beginner students has emailed me every day, just to say ‘Hi! Teacher, I love you!”. I keep thinking about things to tell the students, pictures to show them. Their smiles and voices randomly pop into mind. This happened when we taught in Tanzania too, so I know if will stop after a while. For now, I will enjoy the lasting memories.

In the meantime, we are greatly enjoying Malaysia. I hope to have a post up soon about our trip so far! If nothing else, I’ll post pictures.

Can’t wait to see you all!


Kali and Andy


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